M. Megias et al., Total number and distribution of inhibitory and excitatory synapses on hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells, NEUROSCIENC, 102(3), 2001, pp. 527-540
The integrative properties of neurons depend strongly on the number, propor
tions and distribution of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs they re
ceive. In this study the three-dimensional geometry of dendritic trees and
the density of symmetrical and asymmetrical synapses on different cellular
compartments of rat hippocampal CA1 area pyramidal cells was measured to ca
lculate the total number and distribution of excitatory and inhibitory inpu
ts on a single cell.
A single pyramidal cell has similar to 12,000 mum dendrites and receives ar
ound 30,000 excitatory and 1700 inhibitory inputs, of which 40% are concent
rated in the perisomatic region and 20% on dendrites in the stratum lacunos
um-moleculare. The pre and post-synaptic features suggest that CA 1 pyramid
al cell dendrites are heterogeneous. Strata radiatum and oriens dendrites a
re similar and differ from stratum lacunosum-moleculare dendrites. Proximal
apical and basal strata radiatum and oriens dendrites are spine-free or sp
arsely spiny. Distal strata radiatum and oriens dendrites (forming 68.5% of
the pyramidal cells ' dendrite tree) are densely spiny; their excitatory i
nputs terminate exclusively on dendritic spines, while inhibitory inputs ta
rget only dendritic shafts. The proportion of inhibitory inputs on distal s
piny strata radiatum and oriens dendrites is low (similar to3%). In contras
t, proximal dendritic segments receive mostly (70-100%) inhibitory inputs.
Only inhibitory inputs innervate the somata (77-103 per cell) and axon init
ial segments. Dendrites in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare possess moderat
e to small amounts of spines. Excitatory synapses: on stratum lacunosum-mol
eculare dendrites are larger than the synapses in other layers, are frequen
tly perforated (similar to 40%) and can be located on dendritic shafts. Inh
ibitory inputs, whose percentage is relatively high (similar to 14-17%), al
so terminate on dendritic spines.
Our results indicate that: (i) the highly convergent excitation arriving on
to the distal dendrites of pyramidal cells is primarily controlled by proxi
mally located inhibition; (ii) the organization of excitatory and inhibitor
y inputs in layers receiving Schaffer collateral input (radiatum/oriens) ve
rsus perforant path input (lacunosum-moleculare) is significantly different
. (C) 2001 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.