Types of ectomycorrhizae were determined (identified or briefly characteriz
ed by anatomical characteristics) in soil samples from two permanent forest
research plots of the Slovenian Forestry Institute in Korevska Reka. These
two plots (540 and 670 m/a.s.l.) are situated in the vicinity of an EMEP m
eteorological station at Iskrba as part of the background integral monitori
ng programme. They differ regarding the ground rock material, resulting in
differences in the soil water regime and other soil and sire characteristic
s. The main associations are Lamio orvalae - Fagetum (Preza, on limestone)
and Blechno - Fagetum (Moravske gredice, on silicates). In two replicate so
il samples per plot (taken 0-20 cm deep by 274 ml soil cores) 5,689 (Preza)
and 4,281 (Moravske gredice) roots were counted, less than 1 % of which we
re nonmycorrhizal, and 79 % and 63 % respectively were old, nonturgescent e
ctomycorrhizae. In the rest, 29 types of ectomycorrhizae were determined, o
nly 4 of which were identical in both plots. Two of these are briefly chara
cterized as yet undescribed types.