While the shoot apical meristem (SAM) is indirectly responsible for the ini
tiation of all above-ground postembryonic organs, in most plants the vast m
ajority of these organs are directly initiated by lateral meristems. In Ara
bidopsis thaliana, the lateral meristems include flower meristems (FMs), wh
ich form on the flanks of the SAM, and lateral shoot meristems (LSMs), whic
h develop in leaf axils. While significant progress has been made on the mo
lecular genetic basis of SAM initiation during embryo development, relative
ly little is known about the initiation of meristems at lateral positions.
Here we have characterized the phenotypic consequences and genetic interact
ions of mutations in the REVOLUTA (REV) gene, with an emphasis on the role
of REV in lateral meristem initiation. Our observations indicate that REV i
s required for initiation of both LSMs end FMs, and likely acts in the same
pathway as, and upstream of, known meristem regulators. We identified the
REV gene and found it encodes a predicted homeodomain/leucine zipper transc
ription factor that also contains a START sterol-lipid binding domain. REV
is the same as the IFL gene. REV was expressed at the earliest stages of LS
M and FM formation. Within the inflorescence shoot meristem, REV expression
appeared to predict 3-5 incipient flower primordia on the flanks of the SA
M, and REV expression at stage 1 and stage 2 matched that of WUS and STM, r
espectively. We propose that REV acts at lateral positions to activate the
expression of known meristem regulators.