A detailed survey of the area around Moreton-in-Marsh has clarified the nat
ure of the glacial 'Moreton Drift' and its relationships to the river terra
ce deposits in the area. The 'Moreton Drift' is divided into several member
s based on lithology and genesis; the stratigraphy is strikingly similar to
that of the correlative Wolston Formation of the central Midlands of Engla
nd, which has been assigned to the Anglian Stage. The Moreton Drift include
s two separate phases of glacial outwash gravels, an older phase, character
ized by Trias-derived erratic material, and a younger flint-dominant phase.
These two phases appear to equate with fluvial terrace deposits assigned,
respectively, to the Freeland and Wolvercote members of the Upper Thames Va
lley Formation. The chronological significance of this correlation is discu
ssed and it is concluded that the Moreton Drift and Wolston Formation must
embrace two separate glacial events which, on the basis of currently accept
ed chronology, must be assigned to Stages 12 and 10 of the deep-sea oxygen
isotope record. In addition, relationships between units of the Baginton an
d Northern Drift formations constrains the chronology of pre-Anglian draina
ge development.