The pressure-potential-temperature covariance in free and rotating turbulen
t convection with no mean velocity shear is analysed, using a dataset gener
ated with a large-eddy simulation (LES) model. The pressure field is resolv
ed into turbulence-turbulence, buoyancy and Coriolis components, and the co
ntributions from these components to the pressure-gradient-potential-temper
ature covariance in the budget equation for the potential-temperature flux
are examined.
In non-rotating convection, the buoyancy contribution compensates for about
one half of the buoyant production term in the flux budget equation, and t
he turbulence-turbulence contribution is well approximated by the Rotta-typ
e return-to-isotropy model with the relaxation time-scale set proportional
to the turbulence energy dissipation time-scale.
In convection with rotation, neither the simplest Rotta-type model with the
relaxation time-scale proportional to the energy dissipation time-scale no
r the more sophisticated two-component-limit (TCL) nonlinear model are able
to accurately describe the LES data. A somewhat better agreement is found
when a limitation is imposed on the relaxation time-scale due to the backgr
ound rotation. The simplest model for the buoyancy contribution, where it i
s set proportional to the buoyant production term in the flux budget equati
on, fares poorly. The TCL model shows better agreement with LES data althou
gh some uncertainties remain. However, the relative importance of the buoya
ncy contribution to the pressure-gradient-potential-temperature covariance
decreases with increasing rotation rate.
In contrast, the Coriolis contribution becomes more important as the rotati
on rate increases. Neither the simplest linear model for the Coriolis contr
ibution nor the much more complex nonlinear TCL model are found to be adequ
ate. Neither model appropriately accounts for the component of the angular
velocity of rotation that is parallel to the component of the pressure grad
ient in question. In the seemingly simplest case considered in the present
paper, when the rotation vector is aligned with the vector of gravity, no C
oriolis contribution to the vertical-pressure-gradient-potential-temperatur
e covariance is predicted by these models. This results in a strong underes
timation of the pressure term in the flux budget equation and may lead to a
n erroneous prediction of the vertical potential-temperature flux in convec
tion with rotation. In an attempt to remedy the situation, an extension of
the TCL model that contains only one extra empirical coefficient is develop
ed and checked against LES data.