We have constructed a physical map of the human genome by using a panel of
90 whole-genome radiation hybrids (the TNG panel) in conjunction with 40,32
2 sequence-tagged sites (STSs) derived from random genomic sequences as wel
l as expressed sequences. Of 36,678 STSs on the TNC radiation hybrid map, o
nly 3604 (9.8%) were absent from the unassembled draft sequence of the huma
n genome. Of 20,030 STSs ordered on the TNG map as well as the assembled hu
man genome draft sequence and the Celera assembled human genome sequence, 3
6% of the STSs had a discrepant order between the working draft sequence an
d the Celera sequence. The TNG map order was identical to one of the two se
quence orders in 60% of these discrepant cases.