The levels of autoantibodies (AAB) to nerve growth factor (NGF) and to S-10
0 protein were examined in blood of both mentally normal girls and girls wi
th Rett's syndrome (RS). The elevated titer of anti-NGF AAB, but not of ant
i-S-100 : AAB was determined in the blood of patients with RS. There was re
lative individual stability of anti-NGF AAB level which didn't depend on th
e stage of the disease, At the same time, a reverse correlation was found b
etween the level of these antibodies and severity of the disease: the mild
form of the disease (with relative preservation of the speech elements and
locomotor functions as well as with the later age of the onset of the disea
se and the later development of the regressive symptoms) is characterized b
y the higher AAB level. Autoimmune processes role (anti-NGF AAB) in formati
on of RS clinical features is discussed.