The biological properties of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) strain Ore
gon C24V were studied after intranasal and subcutaneous infection of pregna
nt sows. This virus strain is widely used in Hungary for immunising cattle
against bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD). Based upon the results of the clinica
l, gross pathological, histopathological and virological examinations it ca
n be established that the given strain caused asymptomatic infection and se
rological conversion in sows that were in the second third of gestation. Th
e virus caused clinically apparent disease in some of the piglets born at t
erm, which indicates that it had crossed the placenta. More than half (57%)
of the live-born piglets died within 60 days of birth. The sows and their
progeny did not shed the virus. BVDV infection has great differential diagn
ostic importance in pigs, as classical swine fever (CSF) virus strains of r
educed virulence cause similar clinical symptoms and gross and histopatholo
gical changes.