OBJECTIVE: To develop a program to assist the pathologist in the acquisitio
n and evaluation of digital images to determine microvessel density (MVD) i
n tissues.
STUDY DESIGN: Ten cases of breast cancer with a high degree of neovasculari
zation were selected. A standard immunohistochemical method teas used to hi
ghlight the microvessels (monoclonal anti-factor VIII, avidin-biotin-peroxi
dase complex method). Two pathologists (one senior [S] and one junior [J])
evaluated four areas of highest neovascularization ("hot spots") in the tum
ors. Microscopically MVD was determined in four chosen areas (400:2). From
the center of each area two digital images were acquired at a magnification
of 200:1. All counts made by microscopic observation were compared with th
ose made on the digital images. To compare MVD counting at different resolu
tion, two sets of images at different sampling densities (320 x 240 and 1,6
00 x 2,200) were assessed by the two pathologists.
RESULTS: We obtained a good correlation (r = .98 for S and .96 for J) betwe
en the MVD counts obtained at the microscope (192.8 MV/mm(2) [mean of S] an
d 181.8 MV/mm(2) [mean of J]) and the MVD counts from digital images (153.2
MV/mm(2) [mean of S] and 171.0 MV/mm(2) [mean of J]) at high resolution. T
he counts were lower for digital images at lower sampling density (125.0 MV
/mm(2) [mean of S] and 78.2 MV/mm(2) [mean of J]). With low-resolution digi
tal images only S maintained a good correlation (r = .96 for S and .34 for
J) with the microscopic evaluation of MVD. Interobserver analysis showed a
good correlation (r = .82 for the microscope and r = .78 for the digital im
ages) of MVD evaluated either at the microscope or in high-resolution digit
al images.
CONCLUSION: We demonstrated the functionality and usefulness of our program
in performing MVD evaluation. Considering the capabilities of the program
to store all images and microvessel marks and the reliability of MVD evalua
tion based on digital images, we consider this program the first step towar
d fully automated MVD assessment.