This study's purpose was to apply a multivariate adaptation of the Health B
elief Model (HBM) to examine parental adherence to pediatric emergency depa
rtment (ED) after-care instructions. Parents/legal guardians (n = 162) of c
hildren ages 0-17 years with minor (noncritical) conditions (e.g. abrasion/
contusion, laceration) completed health beliefs and demographics questionna
ires while waiting for their child to be seen. Postdischarge, children's me
dical records were reviewed for after-care instructions and insurance statu
s, and parents were phoned to assess adherence to specific after-care instr
uctions. In logistic regressions, health beliefs (barriers, severity, susce
ptibility) and child age significantly predicted several postdischarge adhe
rence behaviors, including home care procedures and prescription medication
purchase. Results are discussed as they relate to the effects of specific
health belief variables and the need for further refinement of the HEM in a
ccordance with the changing health care system; clinical applications are p