Background: An association between the dietary suppressants fenfluramine an
d dexfenfluramine and valvular heart disease was first described in patient
s from North Dakota and Minnesota in 1997. Limited data are available on th
e natural history of this valvulopathy after discontinuation of drug therap
Objective: To follow the progression of fenfluramine-associated valvular he
art disease after discontinuation of therapy by using serial echocardiograp
Design: Retrospective cohort study.
Setting: Regional medical center in Fargo, North Dakota.
Patients: 50 patients with previous exposure to fenfluramines who had at le
ast mild mitral regurgitation or aortic regurgitation after exposure to fen
fluramines on serial echocardiography between December 1994 and February 19
99 (96% were female, mean body mass index was 36.6 kg/m(2), and mean durati
on of drug exposure was 447 days).
Measurements: serial echocardiograms were reviewed by two echocardiographer
s who were blinded to the order of image acquisition. The severity of valvu
lar regurgitation and presence or absence of valve leaflet restriction were
Results: As described in the initial report, significant valvular disease o
n initial postexposure echocardiography was common in this cohort; 38 patie
nts (76%) had at least mild mitral regurgitation and 43 patients (86%) had
at least mild aortic regurgitation. On serial echocardiograms obtained an a
verage of 356 days apart, mitral regurgitation improved by at least one gra
de in 17 patients (P = 0.001) and aortic regurgitation improved by at least
one grade in 19 patients (P = 0.004). Nineteen and 22 patients, respective
ly, experienced no change in severity of mitral and aortic regurgitation. T
wo patients in each group experienced worsening of regurgitation by at leas
t one grade. Results were similar for tricuspid (P = 0.002) and pulmonic (P
= 0.012) regurgitation.
Conclusion: On serial echocardiography, fenfluramine-associated valvular re
gurgitation improved or remained stable in most patients after therapy ende
d. Worsening of valvular regurgitation was uncommon. The potential for stab
ilization or regression of valvular regurgitation should be taken into acco
unt when counseling patients and considering the need for and timing of val
ve surgery.