Context-Androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) used for improving physical perf
ormance have been considered responsible for acute myocardial infarction an
d sudden cardiac death.
Objective.-To establish the relationship between AAS and cardiac death.
Design.-Case report.
Patients.-Two young, healthy, male bodybuilders using AAS.
Main Outcome Measures.-Pathologic cardiac findings associated with AAS inge
Results.-The autopsy revealed normal coronary arteries. In one case, we doc
umented a typical infarct with a histologic age of 2 weeks. A segmentation
of myocardial cells at the intercalated disc level was observed in the non-
infarcted region. This segmentation was the only anomaly detected in the s
econd case. No other pathologic findings in the heart or other organs were
found. Urine in both subjects contained the metabolites of nortestosterone
and stanozolol.
Comment.-A myocardial infarct without vascular lesions is rare. To our know
ledge, its association with AAS use, bodybuilding, or both lacks any eviden
ce of a cause-effect relationship. The histologic findings in our 2 cases a
nd in the few others reported in medical literature are nonspecific and do
not prove the cardiac toxicity of AAS. A better understanding of AAS action
on the neurogenic control of the cardiac function in relation to regional
myocardial contraction and vascular regulation is required.