During February 1998, a 100-year return flood occurred in the River Kerry,
north-western Scotland. A study was undertaken in order to assess the impac
t of this event on a large, internationally important Freshwater pearl muss
el (Margauitifera margaritifera L.) population. A conservative estimate of
50,000 mussels killed by the flood was made. This represents 4-8% of the to
tal population. Significant channel reformation and large-scale movements o
f substrata occurred in some reaches, whereas others appeared to be unchang
ed. Some mussel beds disappeared or were largely depleted whereas others re
mained intact. Boulder-dominated substrata appear to have provided the most
protection from scouring. The relatively high mussel densities and recruit
ment levels found in the middle reaches are probably due to the fact that t
his part of the river is hydrologically stable. It is likely that the intac
t mussel beds in the middle reaches will be the main source of regeneration
in other parts of the river as the population recovers. As a result of rec
ent changes in the hydrological behaviour of Scottish rivers, several M. ma
rgaritifera populations may now be more at risk from these catastrophic eve
nts. Therefore, it is important that conservation managers are aware of thi
s potential threat. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.