The Rett syndrome (RS) is a peculiar, sporadic, atrophic disorder, almost e
ntirely confined to females. After the first six months of life there is de
velopmental slowing with reduced communication and head growth for about on
e year. This is followed by a rapid destructive stage with severe dementia
and loss of hand skills (with frequent hand wringing), apraxia and ataxia,
autistic features and irregular breathing with hyperventilation. Seizures o
ften supervene. Subsequently there is some stabilization in a pseudo-statio
nary stage during the preschool to school years, associated with more emoti
onal contact but also abnormalities of the autonomic and skeletal systems.
After the age of 15-20 years, a late motor deterioration occurs with dyston
ia and frequent spasticity but seizures become milder. RS has generally bee
n considered an X-linked disorder in which affected females represent a new
mutation, with male lethality. Linkage studies suggested a critical region
at Xq28. In 1999, mutations in the gene MECP2 encoding X-linked methyl cyt
osine-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) were found in a proportion of Rett girls. T
his protein can bind methylated DNA. Analyses are leading to much further i
nvestigation of mutants and their effects on genes. Neuropathological and e
lectrophysiological studies of RS are described. Description of neurometabo
lic factors includes reduced levels of dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline a
nd choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in brain, also estimation of nerve grow
th factors, endorphin, substance P, glutamate and other amino acids and the
ir receptor levels. The results of neuroimaging are surveyed, including vol
umetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (