Biogenic structures in the deep sea often act as hard substratum 'islands'
for the attachment of encrusting fauna. At an abyssal station in the NE Pac
ific, stalks of hexactinellid sponges in the genus Hyalonema are habitat is
lands for species-rich epifaunal communities. An experimental study was con
ducted to (1) determine the colonization rates of artificial Hyalonema stal
ks, (2) compare the species composition and diversity of recruits to newly
available substrata to that of the natural communities, and (3) examine the
vertical distribution of recruits. Four sets of six artificial sponge stal
ks, constructed of Hyalonema spicules, were deployed at 4100 m depth for 3-
to 5-month periods. There was no difference in net colonization or immigra
tion rate among the four deployments. Colonization rates were similar to th
ose reported for other deep-sea, hard substratum recruitment experiments. T
he taxa that recruited to the artificial stalks were a subset of the taxa f
ound in natural communities. However, several taxa important in structuring
natural communities did not recruit to the artificial stalks. The two taxa
with the highest invasion rates, a calcareous Foraminiferan (Cibicides lob
atulus) and a serpulid polychaete (Bathyvermilia sp.), also were the two ta
xa with greatest relative abundance in natural communities. Vertical distri
butions of Cibicides and an agglutinated foraminiferan (Telammina sp.) were
skewed towards the top of the artificial stalks, potentially because of ac
tive habitat selection. These results have several implications for natural
Hyalonema stalk communities. Most importantly, species composition and abu
ndance of individuals in the stalk communities appear to be maintained by f
requent recruitment of a few common taxa and infrequent recruitment of many
rare taxa. An argument is presented for temporal-mosaic maintenance of div
ersity in these deep-sea, hard substratum communities. (C) 2001 Elsevier Sc
ience Ltd. All rights reserved.