Fresh silica gels prepared by the sol-gel route with acid catalysis di
splay typical alterations of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern, in c
omparison with vitreous (v) silica. A positive shift of the first peak
at k(1) is noticed, which also shows excess broadening. The changes c
an be accounted for by the alteration of the intermediate-range order
(IRO) in gels; in comparison with v-SiO2 Thermal annealing causes a gr
adual decrease in the shift and broadening of the first peak, suggesti
ng that the evolution of the vitrification can be followed on the basi
s of XRD data. Two types of IRO alteration were modelled, which accoun
t quantitatively for the experimental observations using a phe nomenol
ogical disorder parameter b. The evolution of the b values with anneal
ing temperature reveals well-defined stages in the vitrification proce