Objective: To evaluate the impact of parity on the neonatal outcome (surviv
al, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and severe intraventricular hemorrhage) of v
ery-low-birth-weight infants, accounting Tol sociodemographic. obstetric an
d perinatal variables. Study design: One hundred and eleven singleton prema
ture infants with birth weights of 750-1250 grams, delivered between 1990 a
nd 1991 and treated in the Hadassah University Hospitals in Jerusalem, were
evaluated. In the analyses, variables with statistically significant assoc
iation with the outcome variables were identified and entered together with
parity as explanatory variables in a logistic regression. The results were
analyzed with and without the inclusion of respiratory distress syndrome.
representing an index of initial illness severity, in the multivariate mode
l. Results: Neonatal mortality was higher in the 2-11 parity group when com
pared with first born infants. This association was of borderline statistic
al significance (OR=3.3; P=0.09), and was evident only upon exclusion of re
spiratory distress syndrome from the equation. There was no association bet
ween parity and the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The risk for
developing severe intraventricular hemorrhage was higher in offsprings of
multiparous women (OR=4.6; P=0,08 for parity 2-4 and OR=7.6: P=0.03 for par
ity 5-11). Respiratory distress syndrome was significantly associated with
all the outcome variables and, to some extent, masked the relevance of preg
nancy duration. A short hospitalization period before delivery was associat
ed with increased mortality and with higher incidence of severe intraventri
cular hemorrhage. High initial Apgar scores appeared protective against sev
ere err intraventricular hemorrhage and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Conclus
ion. Our results demonstrate a trend for increased survival of first born p
remature infants when compared with offsprings of subsequent deliveries. an
d an association between advanced parity and the development of severe intr
aventricular hemorrhage. Confirmation of these data by other studies is req
uired before resultant implications are considered. (C) 2001 Elsevier Scien
ce ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.