On July 1, 1997 in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, a pilot experiment of H
ospital-at-Home Care (H-Hcare) was set up for a I-year period at four sites
to measure patients' satisfaction with this type of health care. Out of 17
4 patients referred to the H-Hcare program for a wide range of treatments,
107 were medical patients admitted for heart failure, community acquired pn
eumonia, or for an infectious disease requiring IV-antibiotherapy; 95 of th
ese agreed to express H-Hcare satisfaction and dissatisfactions during a se
mistructured interview conducted 6 weeks after admission. H-Hcare was consi
dered a viable alternative to hospitalization when the illness is nor too s
erious, and for patients who are still independent and need little care. Wh
en patients are more severely ill, they prefer to go to hospital to avoid o
verburdening their caregivers and to feel more secure.