Decrease or loss of iodide uptake, due to impaired expression and/or functi
on of the sodium/iodide-symporter (NIS), is a major obstacle to the treatme
nt of advanced thyroid carcinomas by radioiodide therapy. Several approache
s are being evaluated to optimise or restore sufficient iodide transport in
those cases, among them retinoid therapy. Retinoids with their growth-inhi
biting and differentiation-inducing properties have been repeatedly used fo
r treatment and chemoprevention of various cancers. In thyroid carcinoma ce
ll lines they trigger changes in gene expression that may be interpreted as
partial redifferentiation. Especially, they stimulate NIS mRNA expression
and iodide uptake in human follicular thyroid carcinoma cells. Moreover, th
ey also increase NIS expression and function in human mammary tumour cells.
In a clinical pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of retinoid rediffer
entiation in the case of otherwise untreatable thyroid cancers, 21 of 50 pa
tients showed an increase of radioiodide uptake after 5 weeks. This indicat
es that increasing NIS activity and radioiodide uptake by retinoic acid red
ifferentiation may be a therapeutic alternative for thyroid cancers refract
ory to other therapeutic modalities and probably also for mammary cancer.