Biweekly ichthyoplankton surveys were conducted in Penobscot Bay, Maine, du
ring the spring and early summer of 1997 and 1998. Larvae from demersal egg
s dominated the catch from late winter through spring, but not in early sum
mer collections. Larval fish assemblages varied with temperature, and to a
lesser extent, plankton volume, and salinity, among months. Temporal patter
ns of larval fish abundance corresponded with seasonality of reproduction.
Larvae of taxa that spawn from late winter through early spring, such as sc
ulpins (Myoxocephalus spp.), sand lance (Ammodytes sp.), and rock gunnel (P
holis gunnellus) were dominant in Penobscot Bay in March and April. Larvae
of spring to early summer spawners such as winter flounder (Pleuronectes am
ericanus) Atlantic seasnail (Liparis atlanticus), and radiated shanny (Ulva
ria subbifurcata) were more abundant in May and June. Penobscot Bay appears
to be a nursery for many fishes; therefore any degradation of water qualit
y during the vernal period would have wide reaching effects on the nearshor
e fish community.