The railway network requires safety and reliability of service of all railw
ay vehicles. Suitable technical systems and appropriately adapted working m
ethods, which meet the requirements on safety and good order of traffic, sh
ould be maintained.
Maintenance of railway vehicles is scheduled in accordance with periodic in
spections and regular repairs. Inspections and repairs are prescribed accor
ding to the criteria of operational life, limited by the time of operation
of a locomotive in traffic or according to the criteria of operational life
including the path travelled.
This paper deals with testing of axles in wheel and axle sets of diesel-eng
ine trains; attention is devoted to theoretical as well as practical work.
A suitable and proven experimental system for the ultrasonic testing of axl
es of diesel-engine trains was developed. Researchers had at their disposal
unserviceable wheel axles and disassembled axle sets in which it was possi
ble to simulate defects at various depths at individual critical points. On
the basis of the defects, the applicability of individual ultrasonic probe
s was assessed. Testing was thus successfully carried out with each of the
selected ultrasonic probes at the shorter and longer side of the gear wheel
of the driving axle from different fields, and with the apparatus setting
at 1.5 and 2.5 m. Each of the variants selected was recorded for subsequent
analysis of the results. Finally, based on the procedures selected, geomet
ries of the known types of ultrasonic paths were calculated for a compariso
n with the results of the experimental work.