An international interlaboratory study was conducted to determine the perfo
rmance of a group of laboratories from developing and developed countries.
The study used a commercial microwell ELISA on unknown samples spiked with
different levels of DDT, The study design was based on Youden pairs and bal
anced replicates, Two soils, differing in particle size distributions, orga
nic matter content, and cation-exchange capacities and thought to be DDT-fr
ee, were spiked at 5 DDT levels between 0.025 and 2 mg/kg, Nineteen laborat
ories in 17 countries took part in the collaborative trial; of these, the m
ajority were modestly equipped laboratories in developing countries. Sample
s were analyzed without filtration or cleanup and using standards of pure D
DT in methanal. Data were analyzed for repeatability and reproducibility, a
nd average recoveries at the spike levels were calculated, Mean real recove
ries for both soils were similar (103% for soil A and 100% for soil B), wit
h values between 0.1 and 2 mg/kg DDT, Precision estimates were best in the
linear working range of the assay (0.1-0.5 mg/kg DDT), with reproducibility
relative standard deviations (RSDR) typically averaging about 38 and 46% n
ear the upper and lower detection limits, respectively. Corresponding repea
tability relative standard deviation (RSDr) values were 20-36% and 36-57%.
Thus, even though much of the trial was performed under developing country
conditions, performance statistics were similar to other reported results o
btained with ELISAs on small molecules of agricultural importance, such as
mycotoxins and pesticide and antibiotic residues.