In the dog, the inspiratory mechanical advantage of the parasternal interco
stals shows a marked spatial heterogeneity, whereas the expiratory mechanic
al advantage of the triangularis sterni is relatively uniform. The contribu
tion of a particular respiratory muscle to lung volume expansion during bre
athing, however, depends both on the mechanical advantage of the muscle and
on its neural input. To evaluate the distribution of neural input across t
he canine parasternal intercostals and triangularis sterni, we have examine
d the distribution of metabolic activity among these muscles in seven spont
aneously breathing animals by measuring the uptake of the glucose tracer an
alog [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). FDG uptake in any given parasternal in
tercostal was greatest in the medial bundles and decreased rapidly toward t
he costochondral junctions. In addition, FDG uptake in the medial parastern
al bundles increased from the first to the second interspace, plateaued in
the second through fifth interspaces, and then decreased progressively towa
rd the eighth interspace. In contrast, uptake in the triangularis sterni sh
owed no significant rostrocaudal gradient. These results overall strengthen
the idea that the spatial distribution of neural input within a particular
set of respiratory muscles is closely matched with the spatial distributio
n of mechanical advantage.