Discordant Altelrnans Mechanism. Introduction: Discordant alternans has the
potential to produce larger alternans of the ECG T wave than concordant al
ternans, but its mechanism is unknown.
Methods and Results: We demonstrate by one- and two-dimensional simulation
of action potential propagation models that discordant alternans can form s
pontaneously in spatially homogeneous tissue through one of two mechanisms,
due to the interaction of conduction velocity and action potential duratio
n restitution at high pacing frequencies or through the dispersion of diast
olic interval produced by ectopic foci. In discordant alternans due to the
first mechanism, the boundaries marking regions of alternans with opposite
phase arise far from the stimulus site, move toward the stimulus site, and
stabilize. Dynamic splitting of action potential duration restitution curve
s due to electrotonic coupling plays a crucial role in this stability. Larg
er tissues and faster pacing rates are conducive to multiple boundaries, an
d inhomogeneities of tissue properties facilitate or inhibit formation of b
Conclusion: Spatial inhomogeneities of electrical restitution properties ar
e not required to produce discordant alternans.