Measurements of nitrogen dioxide using the Palmes diffusion tubes in Uumman
naq, Aasiaat, and Nuuk, all located along the west-coast of Greenland, have
demonstrated that the levels of pollution at the mast heavily impacted sit
es: are comparable to levels in much larger towns in Denmark. The highest c
oncentrations were, in general, observed near sites influenced by cal traff
ic (peak concentrations of up to 16 ppbv), medium concentrations were obser
ved in the residential areas (2-6 ppbv). and very low levels were found at
the background locations in the town outskirts (1-2 ppbv). Observations of
nitrogen dioxide concentrations less than 0.1 ppbv tit a remote site, Akia,
25 km from Nuuk, indicate that, compared to local sources, long-range tran
sport of nitrogen dioxide is not important in western Greenland.