Eady's model of baroclinic instability has been generalized by including be
ta (the meridional gradient of planetary potential vorticity) while assumin
g that total potential vorticity is uniform. Moreover, the problems of Eady
and of Phillips have been enriched by including a fixed topography or a fr
ee boundary (which implies a flow-dependent geostrophic topography). The mo
st general cases (with beta, fixed topography and a free boundary) of both
problems are shown to have nearly identical stability properties, mainly de
termined by two Charney numbers: the planetary one and a topographic one. T
he question of whether this generalized baroclinic instability problem can
be described by wave resonance or component 'resonance' is addressed. By wa
ves are meant physical modes, which could freely propagate by themselves bu
t are effectively coupled by an independent basic shear, producing the inst
ability. Components, on the other hand, are mathematical modes for which th
e shear is also crucial for their existence, not just for their coupling, h
ence the quotation marks around 'resonance'. In this paper it is shown that
both scenarios, components 'resonance' and waves resonance, cast light on
the free-boundary baroclinic instability problem by providing explanations
of the instability onset (at minimum shear) and maximum growth rate cases,
respectively. The importance of the mode pseudomomentum for the fulfillment
of both mechanisms is also stressed.