The multichannel auditory brainstem implant (ABI) provides the potential fo
r hearing restoration in patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). Prog
rammes for auditory brainstem implantation have been established in two Aus
tralian centres. Eight patients have been implanted under the protocol of a
n international multi-centre clinical trial. Three patients had ABI inserti
on at the time of first side tumour removal, four at second side tumour rem
oval and one after previous bilateral surgery where there was some residual
tumour. The translabyrinthine approach was used in all cases. Successful p
ositioning of the electrode array was achieved in seven of eight patients,
all of whom achieved auditory perception with electrical stimulation. Intra
-operative electrically evoked auditory brainstem response testing was succ
essful in four patients and was useful in confirming correct electrode posi
tion. In six cases postoperative psychophysical and auditory perception tes
ting demonstrated that useful auditory sensations were achieved. Five of th
ese patients regularly used the implant. In one patient electrode placement
was unsuccessful and only non-auditory sensations occurred on stimulation.
In the remaining patients nonauditory sensations were minimal and avoidabl
e by selective electrode programming. Auditory brainstem implantation shoul
d be considered in patients with NF2. The greatest benefit is seen in patie
nts without debilitating disease who have non-aidable hearing in the contra
lateral ear.