Shikimate and other intermediates of the shikimate-chorismate pathway are d
ensely functionalized structures that seem to offer Limited options for ske
letal modification. We designed and synthesized cyclopentylidenes 1 and 2,
as well as cyclopentenes 3 and 4, as novel ring-contracted analogues of shi
kimic acid. Enzymatic studies showed that analogues 1-3 are indeed processe
d by shikimate kinase to give phosphates I-P, 2-P, and 3-P as five-membered
ring analogues of shikimate-3-phosphate. In particular, analogue 1 is conv
erted by the enzyme at a rate only 3.5-fold slower than that of the native
substrate, while analogue 3 binds to shikimate kinase with an apparent K-m
of 1.7 mM, compared to 0.14 mM for shikimate.