The watershed natural resources management framework is prevalent today bec
ause land use in watershed is presumed to be reflected in receiving stream
water quality. However, landscape characteristics affecting soil erosion an
d water quality (e.g., precipitation, geomorphology, slope, soil internal d
rainage, cropping system) often vary significantly within a single large wa
tershed (> 200,000 ha). A uniform watershed best management practice would
not account for this variability and would not be satisfactory for soil con
servation water quality, or socioeconomic returns. It is highly unlikely th
at stream water quality monitoring will take place on enough small streams
within a large watershed to capture the landscape variation. We have develo
ped "agroecoregions" to quantify this variation, bared on empirical data fr
om the Minnesota River Basin (MRB). This approach is needed to help target
cleanup efforts to the most sensitive soils and landscapes within the most
critical watershed. Our work shows that soil erodibility index variability
and stream biotic habitat scores were better represented by agroecoregions
than by watershed. Stakeholder characterization and economic analysis revea
l a large variance in attitudes and beliefs about pollution issues and miti
gation costs in the MRB, due in part to problems of scale perception (e.g.,
entire basin, major watershed, county city, farm). We suggest that watersh
ed management in highly agricultural watershed will be most effective when
hydrologic watershed are used as a framework that is complemented by agroec
oregions to identify and target regions where specific combinations of best
management practices for agricultural sediment and phosphorus abatement ar
e most appropriate.