Investigators searched Medline and HealthSTAR databases from January 1, 198
5 through June 30, 1999 to identify articles on suboptimal prescribing in t
hose age 65 years and older. A manual search of the reference lists from id
entified articles and the authors' article files, book chapters, and recent
reviews was conducted to identify additional articles. The definitions for
various types of suboptimal prescribing (polypharmacy, inappropriate, and
underutilization) are numerous, and measurement varies from study to study.
The literature suggests that suboptimal prescribing is common in older out
patients and inpatients. Moreover, there is significant morbidity and morta
lity associated with suboptimal prescribing for these older patients. Evide
nce from well-controlled studies suggests that multidisciplinary teams and
clinical pharmacy interventions can modify suboptimal drug use in older peo
ple. Future research is necessary to measure and test other methods for tac
kling this major public health problem facing older people.