Protea L. sp. can be assigned to groups according to similar times of flowe
r initiation and harvest. The stages occurring during flower initiation and
their synchrony relative to shoot growth were investigated for three culti
vars when flower initiation occurred on the spring growth flush, For all th
ree cultivars, the spring flush was preformed and enclosed in the apical bu
d before spring budbreak. During elongation of the spring flush, the apical
meristem produced floral primordia which differentiated into involucral br
acts. After completion of the spring flush, meristematic activity continued
and produced floral bracts with florets in their axils, The different cult
ivars were characterized by differences or similarities in the time of budb
reak, and the rates of shoot growth, appendage formation, and flower develo
pment. Insight into the time of flower initiation relative to vegetative gr
owth could be useful in making management decisions, as well as forming a b
asis for manipulation of the flowering process.