Grain selection during solidification is of importance to the processing of
solidified structure. It plays an important role in unidirectionally solid
ified products such as turbine blade. In order to understand the effect of
the interfacial morphology on grain selection in unidirectional solidificat
ion, an experimental work using transparent material and a mathematical mod
eling has been carried out.
The number of grains (n) was found to decrease with increasing growth dista
nce by the grain selection, depending upon the solid/liquid interfacial mor
phology. When the solid/liquid interface is dendritic, n rapidly decreases,
on the other hand, when the solid/liquid interface is cellular, n slowly d
ecreases. The reason for this may be that the growth direction of the cell
is affected by heat flow and is closer to the heat flow direction than that
of the dendrite.
The mathematical model using Monte Carlo simulation for the grain selection
has been developed. The change in growth direction with solid/liquid inter
facial morphology has been first taken into account. Introducing the dimens
ionless growth direction (pi'), which is the ratio between growth direction
and preferred growth direction, <100>, it is found that the mathematical m
odel agrees well with the experimental results.