The native collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) and the introduced feral pig (
Sus scrofa) occur sympatrically in southern Texas. We examined habitat part
itioning of these 2 species on the Chaparral Wildlife Management Area in so
uthern Texas, from December 1993 through December 1995, at 3 scales of reso
urce selection: seasonal home range, microhabitat, and temporal microhabita
t. Seasonal habitat partitioning was observed at the home range level durin
g and immediately subsequent to droughts. Microhabitat partitioning occurre
d in all seasons, regardless of precipitation. Temporal partitioning betwee
n species was observed in spring 1995. Partitioning of vegetation types at
>1 level took place in 4 of 8 seasons. Multi-scale partitioning may provide
additive, and possibly multiplicative. habitat partitioning between these
species, and allow coexistence even during harsh environmental conditions s
uch as droughts.