In the present paper, the de longitudinal field and ac frequency dependence
of the magnetoimpedance, magnetoresistance, magnetoreactance and magnetoim
pedance-phase of NiFeMo permalloy ribbon are investigated. The value of the
magnetoimpedance ratio (Z(0) - Z(5172A.m(-1)))/Z(0) of NiFeMo permalloy ri
bbon can reach 39.54% at 0.3 MHz. We also found that the change ratios of t
he magnetoimpedance (Z(0) - Z(5172A.m(-1)))/Z(0), the magnetoresistance rat
io (R(0)- R(5172 A.m(-1)))/R(0) and the magnetoreactance ratio (X(0) - X(51
72A.m(-1)))/X(0) intersect at 0.27 MHz where the change ratio of the magnet
oimpedance phase (theta (0)-theta (5172A.m(-1)))/theta (0) is zero.