This paper focuses on quantification of damping non-proportionality present
in a discrete vibratory system. The study assumes that the information ava
ilable is a set of identified system eigenvalues and eigenvectors and that
the system parameters such as mass, stiffness, and damping matrices are unk
nown a priori. This set of modal parameters may be incomplete. The investig
ation is concentrated on how two existing analytical indices can be utilise
d when the modal damping matrix is not available. The quantification proced
ure starts with extraction of normal modes using a known algorithm. It is s
hown that two matrices, by-products of the normal model extraction, can be
used to study damping non-proportionality. The first matrix is a scaled mod
al damping matrix. The paper shows that the indices developed from the scal
ed modal damping matrix preserves the properties of the indices based on th
e analytical modal damping matrix. The second matrix is a complex matrix wh
ich is obtained by expanding complex modes into the subspace of real modes.
The off-diagonal elements of the complex matrix indicate coupling between
modes due to damping non-proportionality. Based on this characteristic, thr
ee new indices are proposed. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate
the use of the new indices and to compare them with the indices that are d
escribed in literature. (C) 2001 Academic Press.