The effect of plant species diversity on productivity and competitive abili
ty was studied in an experiment carried out simultaneously in five European
countries: Czech Republic (CZ), the Netherlands (NL), Sweden (SE), Spain (
SP), and United Kingdom (UK). The aim was to separate the 'chance' or 'samp
ling effect' (increasing the number of sown species increases the probabili
ty that a species able 'to do a job' will be included) from the complementa
rity effect (species-rich communities are better able to exploit resources
and to take care of ecosystem functions than species-poor communities). In
the experiment, low diversity (LD) and high diversity (HD) mixtures of gras
sland species were sown into fields taken out of arable cultivation. The HD
mixture consisted of five grass species, five legumes and five other forbs
. The LD mixtures consisted of two grasses, one legume and one other forb,
with different plant species combinations in each replicate block. The desi
gn of the experiment was constructed in such a way that the total number of
seeds of each species over all the replications was exactly the same in HD
and LD treatments, and the total number of grass seeds, leguminous seeds a
nd other forb seeds were the same in both LD and HD. The responses measured
were the total above-ground biomass las a measure of productivity) and the
average number of naturally establishing species in a plot las a measure o
f the competitive ability of the mixture), both measured in the third year
of the experiment. The results show that, on average, the HD plots performe
d better (i.e., attained higher biomass, had better weed suppression), but
that the best LD mixture was as good as the best HD mixture. On the contrar
y, the worst LD mixture was always less successful than the worst HD replic
ate. The performance of particular species in the HD mixtures was a good pr
edictor of the success of a certain species combination in a LD mixture (ex
plaining 61% of variability between particular LD mixtures). In all sites,
the LD mixture composed of species which were the most abundant in HD mixtu
res was as efficient in suppressing weeds as the HD mixture itself. It is a
rgued that the performance of a species assemblage is influenced mostly by
the identity of species and the diversity effect is mainly due to the 'chan
ce' or 'sampling' effect with increasing number of species the probability
that an important species will be included in the mixture increases. Cautio
n is urged in interpreting experiments with manipulated diversity and the p
ossible limitations of such experiments are discussed.