Arthroscopic techniques still represent the treatment of choice in osteocho
ndral lesions of the talus (OLT). Open techniques may be used as an alterna
tive or may be complementary to arthroscopic treatments. They are especiall
y indicated in cases of large osteochondral lesions, difficult localisation
s and in cases of recurrent interventions.
In addition to the type of treatment for the lesion itself, the choice of a
n ideal surgical approach is of paramount importance. Indications, operativ
e technique, possible complications and rehabilitation are described in det
ail for each approach. Anterolateral, anteromedial posterolateral and poste
romedial soft-tissue approaches as well as medial and lateral malleolar ost
eotomies are discussed. If a distraction is not desired with arthroscopy, p
osteromedial and posterolateral soft-tissue approaches offer a good alterna
tive for the treatment of posterior OLT. Osteotomy of the (medial) malleolu
s offers good visualisation of the medial talar dome. With the introduction
of new techniques of osteochondral transplantations, the use of this appro
ach is becoming more popular.
However, it is an invasive technique and the risk of secondary osteoarthrit
is after malleolar osteotomy still needs to be determined.