Polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) is characterized by abnormal polysac
charides and increased glycogen storage in the musculature of affected hors
es, which are predisposed for recurrent exercise-induced myopathies. A fami
lial predisposition for PSSM has been reported in American Quarter Horses (
AQH) and related breeds. Two AQH and a Swiss Warmblood were presented to us
for recurrent rhabdomyolysis and one Haflinger for severe exercise intoler
ance. The signalment, clinical examination, and serumactivity valves of CK,
ASAT and LDH before and after an exercise test lead to the tentive diagnos
is of PSSM, which was confirmed by the histopathological evaluation of musc
le biopsies. Increased muscle glycogen and pathognomonic, PAS-positive amyl
ase-resistent polysaccharides were present in all the cases. Our report ill
ustrates that PSSM must be included in the differential diagnosis of exerci
se induced recurrent myopathies in AQH as well as in horses of other breeds
in Europe.