For dust grains in stationary plasma, a quantitative assessment is made of
the effect of centrifugal potential barriers on ion trajectories near a gra
in. It is shown that in most situations of interest the barriers are weak a
nd only marginally affect the validity of the orbital-motion-limited (OML)
theory. The OML theory is then used to show that the electrostatic interact
ion between grains is always repulsive. The ion-shadowing force is calculat
ed, and it is shown that this force can lead to a weak net attraction betwe
en grains at long range, under certain conditions with large grains, dense
plasma, and/or low gas pressure. For grains in streaming plasma at or near
the sheath, it is shown that nonlinear effects are weak and the grains can
be represented as dressed particles interacting via the dynamically shielde
d Coulomb interaction, which includes wakefields, Landau damping, and colli
sional damping. The Dynamically Shielded Dust (DSD) simulation code, which
is based on this model, is described and a simulation is shown for strongly
coupled grains in flowing plasma. The simulation shows ordering of the gra
ins into rigid strings aligned with the ion flow, and looser glass-like org
anization of the strings in the transverse plane. The presence of strings w
ith odd and even numbers of grains results in stratification of the grains
into planes with an alternating structure.