We present a new tight binding view of the heterojunction band offsets. The
model considers the nonorthogonality of the sp(3) set of orbitals of adjac
ent atoms and spin-orbit coupling and uses the Hartre-Fock atomic energies
and interacting matrix clement, obtained by fitting bulk band structures of
semiconductors, to determine the valence band energies at 0 K and 1 bar. T
he valence band offsets are then obtained by aligning the temperature, pres
sure, and composition dependent vacuum levels, screened by the optical diel
ectric constants of bulk materials for thermodynamic equilibrium across het
erointerfaces. Excellent agreement between the model predictions and experi
ment fur the valence band offsets suggests that the bulk band structure pro
perties play a significant rule in determining the band offsets for lattice
matched heterojunctions and Schottky barriers.