An effective theory fur the soft held modes in hot QCD has been obtained re
cently by integrating out the field modes of moments of order T and gT. The
mean hard particle distribution obeys a transport equation with a collisio
n term. The scale that comes out for the soft field is g(2)T In 1/g. n-gluo
n soft amplitudes are shown to be a sum of tree diagrams and obey tree-like
Ward identities. These effective amplitudes are used to compute the one-so
ft-loop contribution to the gluon self-energy when the loop momentum is of
order g(2)T ln 1/g. It allows one to identify a new collision term which, w
hen inserted into the transport equation, takes into account collisions wit
h gluon exchange similar tog(2)T In 1/g. The infrared behavior of the colli
sion term exhibits a significant change.