We obtain the zero-mode effective action for gravitating objects in the bul
k of dilatonic domain walls. Without additional fields included in the bulk
action, the zero-mode effective action reproduces the action in one lower
dimension obtained through ordinary Kaluza-Klein (KK) compactification, onl
y when the transverse (to the domain wall) component of the bulk metric doe
s not have a nontrivial term depending on the domain wall world volume coor
dinates and the tension of the domain wall is positive. With additional fie
lds included in the bulk action, a nontrivial dependence of the transverse
metric component on the domain wall longitudinal coordinates appears to be
essential in reproducing the lower-dimensional action obtained via ordinary
KK compactification. We find, in particular, that the effective action for
the charged (p + 1)-brane in the domain wall bulk reproduces the action fo
r the p-brane in one lower dimension.