Site-specific rainfall was recorded with four rain gauges (with gauge spaci
ngs of 1.02 km, 2.22 km, and 3.04 km) on a 250-ha farm in eastern Indiana o
ver four growing seasons. Precipitation was aggregated by corn and soybean
phenological phases to determine and compare spatial and temporal precipita
tion variability at this scale. The median absolute deviation among gauges,
representing spatial precipitation variability, ranged from 0.25 to 1.73 m
m/day. A reference year of phenological phases was constructed from crop gr
owth literature and applied to on-farm historical precipitation data. The m
edian absolute deviation of daily precipitation from the reference year, re
presenting temporal (year-ro-year) precipitation variability, ranged from 0
.17 to 3.40 mm/day. Organization of yearly precipitation by phenological ph
ase showed year-re-year (temporal) variability to be greater than spatial v
ariability, over the same area, for most crop periods. Up to a distance of
3.04 km, median absolute deviation between gauges was less than I mm for mo
st phases, which suggests that the required spacing for representing site-s
pecific precipitation is 3.05 km or greater The limited time scale and Fred
orientations of the gauges restrict the applicability of the results to wi
despread areas. However, at least in this case, site-specific precipitation
measurement is not necessary for a farm 250 ha or smaller.