The field hydrology model DRAINMOD was modified to include freezing and tha
wing, and snowmelt components. Based on daily hydrologic predictions of the
original model, the modified DRAINMOD numerically solves the heat flow equ
ation to predict soil temperature. When freezing conditions are indicated b
y below zero temperatures, the model calculates ice content in the soil pro
file and modifies soil hydraulic conductivity and infiltration rate accordi
ngly Recorded precipitation is separated as rain and snow when daily averag
e air temperature is above or below a rain/snow dividing base temperature.
Snow is predicted to accumulate on the ground until air temperature rises a
bove a snowmelt base temperature. Soil surface temperature is recalculated
when snow cover exists. Daily snowmelt wafer is added to rainfall, which ma
y infiltrate or run off depending on soil freezing condition. The modified
DRAINMOD predictions of soil temperature agreed well with field observation
s at Plymouth, North Carolina, Truro, Nova Scotia, and Lamberton, Minnesota
. Assuming air temperature as the soil surface boundary condition increased
the variability of soil temperature predictions at shallow depths, agreeme
nt with field measurements was still good. The method of using average air
temperature as an indicator to separate snow and rain worked very well for
Carsamba, Turkey At Truro, Nova Scotia, however the method was not as succe
ssful, and several snow events were predicted as rainfall and vice versa. C
ompared with the original version of DRAINMOD, the modified version predict
s fewer drainage flow events in winter months because of snow accumulation
on the surface. Subsurface drainage and/or surface runoff resulting from sn
owmelt are predicted when air temperature rises, the snow melts, and the so
il begins to thaw.