The design and characterization of new luminescent materials is an active a
rea of research. Here we present several current topics in the area of upco
nversion by transition-metal and rare-earth-metal doped halide lattices. Fo
llowing introduction to the necessary background material related to upconv
ersion mechanisms and kinetics, a series of topics are discussed which illu
strate some key areas of developing interest in the field. These include th
e use of un conventional experimental and theoretical techniques for gainin
g insight into upconversion processes in rare-earth-doped lattices (e.g., p
ower-dependence measurements, two-color laser excitation schemes, and corre
lated crystal field calculations), as well as several specific examples of
exciting and unusual upconversion behavior in both transition-metal and rar
e-earth-metal systems. Finally, we discuss the variety of interesting effec
ts host-lattice variation can have on the upconversion processes of a dopan
t ion, ranging from multiphonon relaxation properties to exchange interacti