Ninety-three unhealthy dogs (including some with diabetes mellitus or insul
inoma) of different ages, sex and breeds were divided into 10 groups accord
ing to their pathology. Serum fructosamine concentrations were determined u
sing a commercial colorimetric nitroblue tetrazolium method. Diabetic dogs
had the highest fructosamine concentrations (454.85 +/- 149.34 mu mol/L). D
ogs with insulinoma had significantly lower Fructosamine concentrations (20
2.80 +/- 31.22 mu mol/L), similar to those with leishmaniosis (202.83 +/- 9
9.83 mu mol/L). Fructosamine concentrations in non-healthy dogs, except tho
se with diabetes mellitus, insulinoma or leishmaniosis, were within the ref
erence limits previously reported.