Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the features of focal f
atty liver lesions with superparamagnetic iron oxides (SPIO) on magnetic re
sonance (MR) images.
Methods: We retrospectively studied five patients with six histologically p
roven focal fatty liver lesions who had been examined by MR with use of SPI
O, The features of the focal fatty liver lesions on two T2-weighted post-SP
IO-enhanced MR images, T2*-weighted fast low-angle shot (FLASH) sequences,
and T2-weighted turbo-spin echo (TSE) sequences were analyzed, and the perc
entages of signal intensity loss of the lesions and normal liver parenchyma
were calculated.
Results: All the fatty liver lesions exhibited different degrees of SPIO up
take, which were presented by a distinct loss of signal intensity on both p
ost-SPIO-enhanced T2-weighted sequences. The percentage of signal intensity
loss of the lesions on SPIO-enhanced images was higher than that of normal
liver parenchyma in all the cases.
Conclusion: Focal fatty liver lesions exhibit a high uptake of SPIO. The up
take is higher than that of the normal liver.