Research continues to advance the knowledge of pathophysiology and developm
ent of effective methods for treating patients with Alzheimer disease and o
ther dementias. Dissemination of information is likely to be slowest among
the general population, who may be the first to recognize dementia symptoms
but may also be reticent to discuss concerns because of fear, embarrassmen
t, and/or inadequate knowledge. The feasibility of providing public educati
on and access to dementia resources was studied using a toll-free interacti
ve voice response (IVR) telephone system. Public interest in this service a
nd willingness to use this technology were evaluated in a 1-month study con
ducted in a predominantly rural upper Midwest county (population of 102,565
). One hundred ninety-three calls were received during November 1999, with
an average length of 9 minutes and 29 seconds. One in six calls lasted 15 m
inutes or longer. One third of the calls were received outside typical busi
ness hours (8:00 AM to 6:00 PM). Concern for a parent or grandparent was th
e most frequent reason (50.6%) given for the call. Self-concern was indicat
ed by 24.7% of the callers. Callers provided positive feedback. Such IVR te
chnology may provide a cost-effective bridge to the "digital divide" existi
ng among elderly, lower socioeconomic status, and rural populations underre
presented as computer and Internet users.