We conducted field studies on the Juan Fernandez Islands flora on the breed
ing system of 25 endemic species from 17 families. We recorded data on flow
er features, pollen and ovule number, pollen/ovule ratio, pollen size, self
-compatibility, floral visitors, and pollination. Flowers are mostly hermap
hrodite, inconspicuous, small, and green. Six species are dioecious. Over 8
06 of the cosexual species are self compatible. However, many species are d
ichogamous (mostly protandrous); thus, even the self-compatible species may
require pollen transfer. Selfing through geitonogamy seems to be the most
common system, and several species express mixed breeding systems. Floral v
isitors are uncommon to rare, except for two hummingbird species (one nativ
e and one endemic) that visit five species we studied. In more than 300 h o
f observation of flowers over three field seasons, we detected only 23 nati
ve insect visits representing ten species (Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Coleop
tera). One species each of an introduced ant and an introduced bee were als
o observed on some flowers, all near the single human settlement of San Jua
n Bautista. Wind directly moving pollen, or indirectly via shaking the flow
ers. is the most important pollen distribution mechanism. The majority of t
he wind-pollinated species bear some typical anemophilous features, but als
o others not characteristic of wind pollination, that presumably represent
the condition of their biotically pollinated ancestors. Floral features oft
en reflect ancestral reproductive systems, so floral biology studies of oce
anic islands in particular must be done with cognizance of presumed ancestr
al forms, because the observed characters can be misleading.