Purpose: To obtain information on interfacial failure by recording video ra
te images of the interface as it failed, while simultaneously recording the
load applied. Materials and Methods: Fluorescent labeled adhesives were us
ed to retain resin-based composite bobbins on the flat exposed dentin surfa
ce of teeth included in epoxy resin blocks. The teeth were secured in a min
iature straining stage while the bobbins were loaded in shear mode and the
interface viewed with a tandem scanning confocal microscope. Images of the
interface during failure were recorded with the aid of computer image proce
ssing and storage. The dynamic failure pattern, site of failure (after repo
sitioning the fractured bobbin under the microscope) and shear bond stress
were analyzed for four dentin adhesives [OptiBond (OB), Scotchbond Multi-Pu
rpose Plus (SBMP+), Clearfil Liner Bond 2 (CFLB2) and ESPE Bonding System (
EBS)]. Control specimens without fluorescent dyes were also studied. Four d
ynamic patterns of failure were observed: snap, slip/stick, peel and shock
wave were seen respectively with OB, SBMP+, CFLB2 and EBS adhesive. The she
ar bond strengths were ranked EBS*>OB>SBMP+>CFLB2* (*statistically differen
t at proportional to =0.05). No significant difference was found between sp
ecimens with and without fluorescent dye.